29 Apr 2013

Convert .docx files to .doc files

docx, doc, converter, pagewordIf you want to edit a file or document which is given to you by your friend. And your friend uses the MS Office 2007 to create that document or file ( say .docx) unfortunately you have the previous version of MS Office like MS office 2003. Then you cannot open the .docx file or any document of Ms Office 2007 with MS office 2003, thats why you cannot edit that file to do your work. You can install MS office 2007 on your PC or Alternatively , Can convert the .docx file to the .doc format...This can be a good idea if you do not have MS office 2007 to install on you PC. Download and install Microsoft’s free Compatibility Pack for conversion. Note:- This still won’t give the older version of Word the newer features of Word 2007, and there’s a good chance any such features will be lost on files processed by the older version.

You can convert Presentation, Word document, spreadsheet and all other Office file with this software.

28 Apr 2013

Upgrade Hotmail.com To Outlook.com

Recently Microsoft launches its upgrade for the Microsoft Account's mailbox. They have provided the upgrade for the Hotmail users basically, Hotmail user can upgrade there mailbox to a new and easy looking interface which is called as Outlook.
You can upgrade your Hotmail using your browser for the website version of Hotmail and for your smartphones you can download the new Outlook application.


From Hotmail Account

Sign in to your Hotmail account and click on the Options and then Upgrade To Outlook.com.

From Outlook.com

  • Goto Outlook.com.
  • Login using your existing Microsoft accout like @hotmail.com, @live.com.
  • Enjoy the new outlook mailbox.
 Switching back to hotmail.com was available for the period of outlook.com preview. Now, the is no option in the settings to switch back to hotmail old interface.


  • Download and install the Outlook App on your device from Play Store.
  • Open the app and enter your hotmail.com email address and password.
  • Click on next and follow instructions, the app will automatically setup your account


You can set up alias or other email address with the same inbox from your outlook.com account.
  • To setup alias you have to sign in to your Outlook.com account and then click on the Setting icon in the upper right corner of the window, and click on "More mail settings."
  • click on "Create an Outlook alias."
  • Now, enter the new name for your new e-mail address.
  • You can create alias for only sending the mail and for both sending and receiving the mail.
  • Outlook.com setup the same inbox for all alias.

27 Apr 2013

Adding Account Lockout Security Feature To Windows.

windows 7, xp, lockout feature
Windows has  user account which can be of computer administrator's or other users of that computer. If you have a administrator account in your computer and you had set some restrictions for other users due to some reasons like keeping the data confidentiality and protecting other aspects on that computer. Then naturally some of the user can wish to remove those restriction by logging into your administrator account. Obviously, they wouldn't know the password but they can guess that by trying several login attempts.
Now, you will need to add some restrictions for login attempts for those type of user. Account lockout policy is the security feature that lock a account for a set time after number of failed login attempts set by you.

Windows operating system has already this feature, all you need to do is to configure it according to your convenience and use. In this post I will suggest you how to configure it.


I will explain you to setup account lockout feature for Windows 7 and it will be similar for few previous version of Windows like Windows XP.
Any user of a computer can set this account lock for the own user account.
Follow the step below :
  • Go to Control Panel and then select Administrative Tools.
  • Now, open Local Security Policy.
  • Now Local Security Policy window will open, click on Security Setting >>Account Policies in the left panel of this window.
