3 Nov 2012

Android SDK recommended and available packages.

There are many packages available in Android some are recommended and some are useful for specific purposes.
Recommended packages.
  1. SDK Tools- it is a downloaded components of Android SDK which includes a complete set of development and debugging tools for the Android SDK.
  2. SDK Platform Tools- it contain the platform dependent tools for developing and debugging the application and it support the latest features of the android application.
  3. SDK Platform- for each version of Android one Android SDK Platform is available. It includes anandroid.jar file with a fully compliant Android Library
  4. System Image- every platform version gives one or more different system images required by Android emulators.It helps to test the app on latest version of Android in Virtual machine.
  5. Android Support- it is a static library which contain version of the fragments classes and viewpager  API allows  to build a side-swipeable UI. These API's are not available in standard API's.
  6. SDK Samples- a collection of sample application which demonstrate variety of platform API's.
Other available packages
  1. Documentation- an offline documentation of  Android latest platform API's.
  2. Sources for Android SDK- copy of platform source code useful for debugging your app through source code.
  3. Google API's- an add-on provide both a platform to develop an app using special Google API's and a system images for emulator to test app using Google API's.
  4. Google play billing-provides static library and samples helps in integrating billing services in app with Google play
  5. Google play licensing-provides static libraries and samples to perform license verification of app when distributing app with Google play.

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