Declaration in Manifest file ie. AndroidManifest.xml
Androidmanifest.xml is the only file which tell the system about the components existing the application.Main features of manifest file:
- gives the details of user permission which application require.
- gives the details of minimum level of API requires by application.
- gives the details of hardware or software feature which an app require.
- also link the API libraries against the application.
- In <application> ,android:icon attribute point to the resources for an application. android:namepoints to the fully qualified class name for an application. android:label attributes points to the string which species the user visible string for application.
- All application components are declared in this way eg, <activity> ,<services>, < receiver > ,<provider> .
- In activating components we need to use intent to start activities,services, broadcast receivers. they are declared for components using <intent-filter>.
- <support-screen> is used to categorize screen based on the screen density and screen size.
- <user-configuration> provides different types of input configuration such as hardware keyboard,trackball.
- <user-feature> declares the hardware or software features which an application needs.
- <user-sdk> declares the min and max level of API that an application uses.
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